Adaptogens and Nervines: What are they and their benefits?


Adaptogens are adaptogenic herbs which are renowned for aiding the body to resist all stressors, whether they are biological, physical or chemical. They have been used for centuries as holistic medicine in Chinese and Ayurvedic healing and also increase mental work capacity, enhance attention and prevent stress and fatigue. 

Nervines are nerve tonics, calming herbs that are mildly relaxing without the overt suppressant effects of sedatives. This type of herb restores emotional balance and nourishes the nerves and nervous system.


Basil - a calming adaptogen

Basil - a calming adaptogen

The hypothalamic, pituitary and adrenal glands are all involved in the stress response in the body. Adaptogens work at a molecular level by regulating a stable balance in these glands, which intercepts the stress-response and assists our body with resisting the stressor. This enables us to feel more energized, think clearer and to be focused on the task at hand. 

Typically we would then enter the state of exhaustion, however, the adaptogens work to stretch out the ‘sweet spot’ and allow us to perform at our optimum for longer. 

There are a wide variety of adaptogens, each targeted at different stressors and work slightly differently. We will cover our top 5 which we feel are perfect alone or as a powerful ingredient in stress-relieving blends.


Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera), is Sanskrit for ‘smell of the horse’, which refers to its scent and ability to increase strength. Also known as Indian Ginseng, Ashwagandha reduces stress and anxiety and is thought to be the best adaptogen to use to assist with long term stress. 

In 2019, Salve J, Pate S, Debnath K, et al conducted double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled clinical study: Adaptogenic and anxiolytic effects of ashwagandha root extract in healthy adults. Results showed that those given the highest dose of ashwagandha root aqueous extract had beneficial results in reducing perceived stress and anxiety along with improved sleep quality and decreased cortisol levels. (Cureus 2019;11(12):1-12).


Also known as the “mushroom of immortality”, Reishi Mushrooms are renowned for their immune-boosting properties. According to a 2009 study in the journal Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry, the polysaccharides in reishi mushrooms help promote longevity. 

As they are from the adaptogen family they can be used to aid anxiety and insomnia. The Reishi Mushroom powder can be used on a long term scale and is often added to tea, soups and accompanied by something sweet such as honey to mask its natural, bitter flavour.


Shatavari is a species of asparagus plant which helps to regulate the body’s systems and improve resistance to stress. The most common use of Shatavari is to assist the female reproductive system. A review of studies published in Biomedicine and Pharmacotherapy in 2018 suggests it may improve hormonal imbalances and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). 

Studies have also shown that it may have a soothing effect on the digestive tract. 


Lemon balm is a nervine which is best taken at night as the chemicals it contains can have a sedative, calming effect. This makes it the perfect herb to add to a night time blend and works great with chamomile to assist users with falling asleep, insomnia and in reducing anxious thoughts. This adaptogen is a zesty and rejuvenating herb and is thought to improve mood through its restorative effects. 


Valerian Root is also a nervine and is one of the most powerful herbs for falling asleep, therefore it must be taken in small doses to avoid a full sedative effect. 

Valerian root contains GABA – gamma-Aminobutyric acid – a neurotransmitter responsible for having a calming effect on your brain cells and for the regulation of muscle tone in humans. This helps with tension and can also be a great headache remedy.  

The All Natural Company are a contract manufacturer specialising in powder blending and product development, offering customers the support they need to create their unique blends through our extensive industry knowledge. 

We recognise the power in adaptogens and nervines and we can include them in health supplement blends tailored to calm users and assist with stress management. Examples of these products include sleep & restorative blends, anxiety & stress blends and immunity blends. Adaptogens and nervines have been growing in popularity for the past few years and even more so since the corona pandemic broke out as people are looking to natural remedies to help to manage their stress. Many brands have even fully sold out of their range of these kinds of products which reflects the elevated need for calm during the pandemic.

If you are interested in creating your own range of health supplements our expert technicians are here to advise you every step of the way. Our marketing & graphic design team can assist with everything from logo & website design to packaging options and marketing strategies. Feel free to browse our product and ingredient range.

Inquire today & kick start your e-commerce health supplement business. 

Matthew Ammendolia